One of my most rewarding professional facilitation experiences has been my ongoing work with the Austin Independent School District in Texas. For more than ten years, I've had the honor of facilitating professional learning, visioning, and community building with AISD’s social and emotional learning department,...

When groups come together for the first time, during the first weeks of school or the kick-off of fall programming, thoughtful educators and facilitators weave in intentional time to build community. Introductions, "name games," and nametags are often part of this—for good reason.  Names are everything....

One of the key tenets of experiential education is that people of all ages learn best when they perceive a sense of control and have choice and ownership in their learning experiences. You can create opportunities to build this sense of choice and control for...

Never underestimate the power of play in learning! Play is a serious subject. There is a great deal of research on play and what constitutes true play, types of play, and stages of play. My working definition of playful learning involves engaging learners in educational...

Inspire meaningful reflection and dialogue that goes beyond the traditional sharing circle. Spark reflective writing, exploration of positive character traits, or facilitate strong beginnings and optimistic endings. This method is useful for both individual and collaborative reflection and is used in restorative circles and appreciations,...