Play Doh Pictionary and Charades Race are two of my favorite activities for integrating academic or training content review and reflection with community building and social and emotional learning.  Since Zoom has enhanced breakout room capabilities I have been playing both games online with wonderful...

A Multipurpose Activity for Community Building, Reflection, Review, Data Gathering, Peer Teaching, and Formative Assessment In past posts, I’ve explored the idea of re-purposing icebreakers/rapport builders for exploring academic or training content, or as an active way to engage a group in reflection and dialogue. Team...

It’s that time again! Schools and Colleges are back in session or gearing up for the first day. Fall programs and trainings are kicking off. For those of you looking for strategies to build rapport, a sense of community and increase engagement here is a...

This bestowal of name and identity is a kind of symbolic contract between society and the individual. The name differentiates the child from others; thus, society will be able to treat and deal with the child as someone with needs and feelings different from those...