In past articles, I have compared group facilitation to cooking. As in cooking, group facilitation allows for a great deal of room for adaptation, experimentation and adjustment of ingredients to fit different groups and different learning situations. Though there is opportunity for creativity and innovation, it...

With the start of fall I find that both the professionals and students I work with are often learning to manage a new routine and new responsibilities which makes it the perfect time to reflect on time management, responsibility and goal setting, and self-care. This...

Excerpt from the Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner book:   I spend a lot of time moving chairs, and it is worth it! The classroom or group room space has a significant impact on how learners feel, interact and learn. In previous posts, I have explored how emotional...

The more senses that are used to learn and practice information, the more neural networks are activated and the more ways the brain is able to store and retrieve information. Multiple strategies for learning and practicing information such as moving and talking, active reflection,...

Wood N Barnes Publishing Co. is continuing to share excerpts from my new book: Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner: Experiential, Brain-Based Activities and Strategies to Engage, Motivate, Build Community, and Create Lasting Lessons. This week's article on differentiated instruction combines discussion of a pedagogical concept with...

Inspired Educator Inspired Learner: Experiential, Brain-Based Activities and Strategies to Engage, Motivate, Build Community, and Create Lasting Lessons I am thrilled to announce the release of my new book Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner published by Wood 'N' Barnes Publishing Company. The book explores experiential, brain-based techniques...

Excerpt from the new book: Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner Play Dough Pictionary is one of my favorite community building and academic review activities. One of the reasons it stays on the top of my list is that it has led to many meaningful discussions about creativity....

Excerpt from the soon to be released Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner book: Purpose/Focus: active engagement, hook, introducing a topic, “first five” or “do now,” context setting, conversation starter, reflection, discussion or writing prompt, emotional connection to learning, differentiation, formative assessment, community building, transition Quotes are an engaging...

Purpose/Focus: active engagement, hook, context setting, discussion or writing prompt, “first five” or “do now,” welcoming ritual, conversation starter, reflection, community building, figurative language, metaphor, emotional connection to learning, differentiation, 21st century skills, creativity/imagination, choice, control and ownership, multiple pathways to learning, group norms Materials: a...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Excerpt from the Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner book by Jennifer Stanchfield People are drawn in by colorful, novel, or intriguing objects whether they are tools, old toys, or items found in nature. People often share and reflect more readily...

It's that time of year again! Schools, and colleges are kicking off their programs with community building and goal setting sessions. Draw Your School or Workplace is a strategy I've used with programs of all kinds to initiate reflection and conversation on creating a positive...

There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the positive impact of exercise on brain development and function – and therefore memory and learning throughout life. Exercise has the long-term effect of improving blood flow thereby improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the...

This time of year I find myself facilitating vision and goal setting retreats, training programs and project oriented planning meetings with many schools and organizations. Time and time again I find the "Gallery Walk" activity a useful tool when I want to gather information on...