Best of: Back-to-School Activities, Strategies, Articles

Social and Emotional Learning Conference Jennifer StanchfieldIt’s that time again! Schools and Colleges are back in session or gearing up for the first day. Fall programs and trainings are kicking off. For those of you looking for strategies to build rapport, a sense of community and increase engagement here is a collection of posts from the archives of The Inspired Educator Blog with methods and inspiration to add to your toolkit:

Start Off with Style Create a Hook to Engage

Beware of the Icebreaker — Make Thoughtful Activity Choices

Setting the Tone, Building Community, and Initiating Reflective Discussions: Pair Share

Integrating Community-Building, Social-Emotional Learning, and Academic Content

Team Tally for Group Building, Reflection, and Academic Review and Data Gathering

Commonalities Mingle Activity for Rapport Building, Reflection, Positive Group Norms and Academic Review/Discussion

Re-Purposing Icebreakers for Reflection and Review

Full Plate Time Management Activity

Domino Fraction Line Up: An Accidental Success in the Classroom

The Importance of Names and Strategies for Honoring Them

Harnessing the Power of Play to Teach

For more strategies and resources, check out the Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner book or join me for an upcoming workshop.

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