This bestowal of name and identity is a kind of symbolic contract between society and the individual. The name differentiates the child from others; thus, society will be able to treat and deal with the child as someone with needs and feelings different from those...

Successful facilitators and educators consciously think about their style and continually develop it in a variety of intentional ways, including reflection, feedback, continued education, and experimentation. As new facilitators, we often emulate the educators and leaders who positively impacted or inspired us. As we mature...

We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything, than when we are at play. ~ Charles. E. Schaefer, pioneer in the field of play therapy Never underestimate the power of play in learning! Play is a serious subject. There...

An icebreaker is meant to build a foundation of respect, rapport, trust, and a willingness to share that is essential to a productive and supportive learning community. Often icebreakers do the opposite of what was intended, placing individuals in awkward situations too early in the...

Excerpt from the Inspired Educator Blog Archives: Back in 2011 I shared this activity here as a favorite strategy for harnessing the power of play to teach, review, and reinforce academic or training content. It has continued to be a favorite active review and even reflection...

Excerpt from Tips & Tools for the Art of Experiential Group Facilitation, Second Edition: There is great power when learners create symbols, music, words or performance to represent feelings and experiences. The very essence of art is expressing oneself. Throughout history, humans have used artistic expression...

Excerpt from Tips & Tools for the Art of Experiential Group Facilitation. Since the beginning of civilization, humans have expressed themselves through symbols. Symbols, images, and objects help people communicate their thoughts and create meaning from experiences. They spark emotions and help people understand and communicate...

Think back to your most memorable learning experiences— the courses, team-building programs, or classes you enjoyed and the facilitators or educators you found most impactful. How did they start their classes or workshop sessions? How did they begin the program? How did they greet you...

The Postcard to Your Future Self is one of my favorite reflective activities because it encourages learners to reflect on their strengths, celebrates their accomplishments, and clarify their goals, the postcard gives them a tangible reminder of their learning experience for the future. I regularly...

From the Blog Archives, June 2016: During this time of year, I find myself facilitating many staff team-building retreats for community organizations. In my work with schools, the focus is on celebrating the end of the year and goal setting for the next. For other...

Take time to study the theory and science behind what you do. Regularly reflect upon and intentionally observe what works in your groups, and consciously develop your philosophy of facilitation and teaching. Reading about theories of experiential education, facilitation, and teaching along with new research...